Birds in the Wild

Bill Harris

I am a self taught, amateur Bird Photographer, based in the

Victorian town of Euroa. I am a member of Birdlife Australia and use their Code of Ethics for Photographers to guide my behaviour in the field.

I photograph Australian birds in the wild, that is birds that are free to fly away at any time. My priority in the field is to capture detailed closeups of Australian native birds. In the digital world we live in, many photographs are viewed for a

very short period of time on social media, and then largely forgotten as people move on to the next photo.

I have a love for printed images, firstly because I find producing them extremely satisfying, but also because it gives people the opportunity to stop and truly look at the images of some of our wonderful birds. I spend several months each year travelling with my wife enjoy our great country, and capture images of whatever birdlife we encounter along the way.

Ultimately I want to help people to connect with birdlife in particular, and nature generally. I believe that capturing and showcasing images of birds in the wild is an enormously powerful tool to achieve this. It would be nice to contribute to the appreciation and understanding of our wildlife by younger people as a result of what they see (or don’t see)..